Building trust in a physical and digital world
Insights from Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Stepken
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Stepken
Chairman of the Board of Management, TÜV SÜD AG
May 26, 2021
2 - 3 PM (CEST)

Relationships, business or politics; trust is one of the keys for all of them to succeed! It was already challenging to establish and sustain trust in businesses in a physical world. In a digitalized world, it has become even more complex. How can we build and maintain trust today and tomorrow?
We are delighted to welcome Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Stepken, Chairman of the Board of Management, TÜV SÜD AG, as our guest for the AES Speaker Series! Under his leadership, TÜV SÜD aims to inspire trust in technology, enabling progress by managing technology-related risks and facilitating change. More than 25000 employees worldwide in about 50 countries work towards this ambition to create a safer and more sustainable future. After a keynote address, there will be a moderated Q&A.
Join our AES Speaker Event “Building trust in a physical and digital world” on Wednesday, May 26th from 2 to 3 PM via Zoom. Please register with the box below.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Stepken
Chairman of the Board of Management, TÜV SÜD AG
Professor, TU Munich
Axel Stepken was born in Essen, Germany. He graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering from the RWTH Aachen and achieved his PhD in High Voltage Engineering in 1989.
Upon completion of his PhD, Axel Stepken worked at ABB where he held several Management positions in Germany and Indonesia within the Power Transmission and Distribution Segment. He joined TÜV SÜD AG as Member of the Board of Management responsible for the INDUSTRY and the former PEOPLE Strategic Business Segments as well as the Strategic Region ASIA. In June 2007 Axel Stepken was appointed the Chairman of the Board of Management.