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Taiwan’s Response to Covid-19

Insights from Prof. Chen Chien-Jen

Prof. Chen Chien-Jen
Former Vice President of Taiwan

December 17, 2020
9 -10 AM (CET)



Event Registration

Taiwan has emerged as a success story in the global fight against COVID-19, avoiding the need for stringent lockdown measures which many other countries have implemented. With currently fewer than 700 cases and seven deaths among its roughly 23 million residents, Taiwan was lauded for containing the outbreak despite its proximity to China. As life and work has remained normal in Taiwan, what are the key factors that contributed to this success?

We are delighted to welcome Prof. Chen Chien-Jen, the former Vice President of Taiwan, as our guest speaker for the AES Speaker Series! His dual role as a politician and epidemiologist has brought him from backstage to the forefront of Taiwan’s response to the crisis. This is your opportunity to hear Prof. Chen’s first-hand experiences in managing COVID-19. In the end, there will be a Q&A.

Join our public AES Online Speaker Event “Taiwan’s Response to COVID-19” on Thursday, December 17 from 9 to 10 AM (CET) via Zoom. Please register via the button below.

About the Speaker

Prof. Chen Chien-Jen

Former Vice President of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

Distinguished Research Professor at Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica

Prof. Chen Chien-Jen is a Johns Hopkins-trained epidemiologist, who is recognized for his sound leadership in Taiwan’s public health system as an educator and policy maker. After serving as Dean of the College of Public Health of the National Taiwan University from 1999 to 2002, he was appointed Minister of Health in 2003 when the SARS virus swept through East Asia. With this experience, Prof. Chen laid the foundations for disease control that later proved vital for Taiwan’s handling of the COVID-19 outbreak. Furthermore, he was elected as an academician of Academia Sinica, a member of World Academy of Sciences, and a foreign associate of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Prof. Chen was also Cutter Lecturer on Preventive Medicine at Harvard University in 2008 and received the Knowledge for the World Award from Johns Hopkins University in 2012. From 2016 to 2020, he served as the 14th Vice President of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Prof. Chen is now a distinguished research professor at the Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica.

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