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Young China

What makes 400+ million Millennials tick?

Zak Dychtwald
CEO of Young China Group, Best-Selling Author

May 15, 2020
5 - 6 PM (CEST)



Event & Registration

When we talk about China, we typically focus on the past: old stereotypes, old policies, and the older generations. But China’s future is being determined right now by their Millennials. In their lifetime, they’ve witnessed the Internet open up China to the world, a massive demographic shift to a 4-2-1 society, and unparalleled surging capitalist success directed by their “Communist” government. While their parents were consumed with subsistence questions around food, housing, and survival, they are asking the questions: Who do we want to be? How do we want to live? What will be China’s role in the 21st century?


Join our public AES Online Speaker Event “Young China - What makes 400+ mn Millennials tick?” on Friday, May 15 from 5 to 6 PM (CEST) via Zoom.


We are delighted to welcome Zak Dychtwald, a best-selling book author, and Founder & CEO of the Young China Group, in our AES Speaker Series. In his recent book "Young China" the fluent Chinese speaker offers a fascinating portrait of the generation who will define what it means to be Chinese in the 21st century. We will talk with Zak about China's 400+ mn Generation Y and answer all your questions.


About the Speaker

Zak Dychtwald, Founder & CEO of Young China Group

Best-selling book author, fluent Mandarin Chinese speaker, former TEDx speaker


Zak Dychtwald has spent most of the last decade - his 20’s - in China, researching, traveling, and living throughout the country. After graduating from Columbia University in 2012, he moved to China to explore the country and get to know China’s young people on their own turf. Over the next four years, through living in tenements, hostels, and high rises, traveling thousands of miles throughout both the Eastern megacities as well as China’s developing interior, interviewing locals from Guangzhou to Chengdu to Shangri-La, Zak realized that the China we talk about in the West is far different than the new futuristic China he saw emerging. In 2018, he wrote the best-selling book "Young China - how the restless generation will change their country and the world!" - his writings has been featured in leading publications such as Wall Street Journal, Atlantic, BBC, and Washington Post.


Through his writing, speaking, and consulting, Zak’s overarching goal is to enrich and advance the way the world understands China. He has recently relocated to Beijing where he is the Founding CEO of the Young China Global Group—a think tank and consultancy designed to create understanding about Eastern and Western millennials for individuals, companies, and governments. Zak is based in China, a fluent Mandarin speaker, and travels globally for his work.

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